• high performance expansion joint
  • high performance expansion joint
  • high performance expansion joint
  • high performance expansion joint
  • high performance expansion joint
  • high performance expansion joint
  • high performance expansion joint
  • high performance expansion joint
  • high performance expansion joint
  • high performance expansion joint

About This Project

During the years of 2009 to 2012, Island Pavement Cutting Co., Inc. installed approximately 411,300 square feet of Bridge Preservation™ Bridge Deck Membrane and 2,957 linear feet of Articulus™ high performance Expansion Joint on the Culver Line Viaduct.


In many areas of the viaduct, the concrete was heavily damaged and deteriorated, and would have required extremely extensive repairs to achieve the surface profile normally recommended by Bridge Preservation. As a surface becomes rougher with higher peaks and valleys, more material is required to coat the same area. The General Contractor decided it would be faster and more economical to use additional waterproofing membrane in lieu of smoothing the surface through repairs. Surface preparation was performed to ensure that the waterproofing system would be applied to strong and sound (albeit rough) concrete. Correct surface preparation is the foundation of any successful waterproofing system.


Because of the unique characteristics of Bridge Preservation™ spray-applied Bridge Deck Membrane and high performance expansion joint, it is easy to accommodate very rough surface profiles and still achieve successful bonding characteristics. Using Bridge Preservation™ spray applied waterproofing and high performance expansion joint, Island Pavement Cutting Co., Inc. was able to achieve a highly tenacious bond to the surface, and ultimately, a successful waterproofing installation.


MTA NYC Transit

Date of Installation:

2009 - 2012

Project Number:


Project Name:

Rehabilitation of the Culver Line Viaduct


411,300 SF


Brooklyn, NY

General Contractor:

Judlau Contracting, Inc.

Printable Version:

Concrete, Rail